If you wish to join Midshires please print off this page, complete and forward to the Membership Secretary.
Midshires Bearded Collie Club - Application for Membership
Memberships run from August each year. However, a first annual subscription paid during May-July covers all the next session.
Include the forenames by which you would like to be known.
Mr/Mrs/Ms/other ........................................................................................................................
Address ........................................................................................................................
Post Code ........................................................................................................................
Telephone (Home) .........................................................................................................
Email .........................................................................................................................
Mobile .........................................................................................................................
Kennel Club Affix ..............................................................................................................
Single £7.00 ......................
Joint £9.00 ......................
Overseas £10.00 ......................
Total Enclosed ......................
Signatures ............................................................... Date ................................
Make a cheque payable to “Midshires Bearded Collie Club” and write your name and address and “subscription” on the reverse of the cheque.
I request a Standing Order Form be sent to me for the next subscription (please tick) ............
(if you require a Standing Order Form for first subscription please request one from the Membership Secretary)
Return the Application Form with cheque or Standing Order form to the address below
Mrs. R. Salter, Shire Hill, Retford Road, Tuxford, NG22 0NW
NOTE submission of the completed form consents to your name, address and other details being included in membership lists or other club documents circulated to members or otherwise used in the course of the Club’s activities and the Joint Breed Club Liaison Committee's mailing list and stored electronically.
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