Open Show Best In Show Winners 2010-2023

Best In Show 2023 Orora’s French Silk At Merrimak JW. Judge: Miss Claire Bowden (Subessen)


Best In Show 2022 Menander Special Edition Judge: Mr Adam Hollis (Adjuset)


Best In Show 2021 Cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic

Best In Show 2020. Cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Best In Show 2019 Ch. Nellbrook Imagination JW Judge: Mr Joe Smith (Mowgli)


Best in Show 2018 Potterdale Potential Judge : Mrs Sylvia Newton (Sylvabrae)

Image: Potterdale Potential

Best in Show 2017 Sammara Little Black Dress Judge : Mr Ian Pickup


Best in Show 2016 Snikkles Blue Print Judge Mrs Barbara Goodyer (Dajue)


Best in Show 2015 Ch Carbonnie Callieco Star for Kelligrews : Judge Mrs K Edwards (Roxilyn)

Image: Carbonnie Callieco Start for Kelligrews

Best in Show 2014 Ch Nellbrook Imagination : Judge Mrs M Botham (Balidorn)

Image: Nellbrook Imagination

Best in Show 2013 Victory Winds Ghost Whisperer for Snowmead : Judge Mrs S Flint (Sandytrail)

Image: Victory Winds Ghost Whisperer for Snowmead

Best in Show 2012 Nellbrook Imagination : Judge Frank Kane (Hirontower)

Image: Nellbrook Imagination

Best in Show 2011 Diotima from the Heart for Gildenmede : Judge Miss Emma Bird (Bridus)

Image: Diotima from the Heart for Gildenmede


Best in Show 2010 Shilstone Foreign Affair : Judge Mrs S Walker (Walkerbrae)

Image: Shilstone Foreign Affair

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